Cilento Felix 2024, 14/16 June

Cilento Felix
Benvenuti al SUD
Edizione Zero
14/16 June 2024

Cilento Felix è una straordinaria occasione per conoscere un territorio meraviglioso, tra i meno conosciuti della regione Campania: il Parco Nazionale del Cilento.
Dal Vallo di Diano – vasto altopiano nel cuore dell’Appennino – fino al mare, attraversando valichi montani con una sterminata serie di fantastiche curve.
Tanti i motivi di interesse: templi greci intatti, monasteri patrimonio UNESCO, grotte da attraversare in barca.
E poi la gastronomia, fiore all’occhiello del nostro meridione, dalla pasta alle mozzarelle di bufala.

Un tripudio di colori, profumi e sensazioni da condividere in un evento dedicato ad un numero ristrettissimo di partecipanti.

Se state leggendo queste righe è perché abbiamo pensato di avervi con noi in questa avventura nel lancio di un nuovo evento stradale.
Dagli inventori del Furbinentreffen (primo treffen italiano e raduno invernale italiano più longevo), una proposta che non potete rifiutare (citazione da Il Padrino Parte Prima… 🙂

Friday 14 June
Dalle ore 12,00 at 16,00 accoglienza partecipanti a Padùla (SA).
– Hours 17,30 visita guidata al museo dell’eroe italoamericano Joe Petrosino.
Cena tipica con menù a base di prelibatezze del Cilento.
Brefing sulla giornata del sabato e chiacchiere fino a tarda notte.

Saturday 15
– Hours 08,00 colazione nelle sale dell’albergo
– Hours 09,00 partenza verso la costa del Cilento
Sosta per caffè con vista panoramica
Visita a caseificio e degustazione mozzarelle di bufala appena prodoKe.
Passaggio da Paestum per ammirare gli splendidi templi
Visita alla Marina di Castellabate, con degustazione di Cuoppo di Paranza.
Caffè a Santa Maria di Castellabate nel locale adibito ad ufficio postale del film “Benvenu@ al Sud”.
Rientro a Padùla.
– 18,00 circa visita alla Certosa di Padula (monumento patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità UNESCO e seconda
Certosa più grande al mondo).
⁠Apericena nella Certosa per celebrare il giorno più lungo dell’anno.
Chiacchiere fino a tarda notte.

Sunday 16
Arrivo a Pertosa
– 10,30 visita alle grotte con primo tratto di esplorazione su barcone
– 12, 30 brunch del Vallo di Diano
Rientro proprie destinazioni

To ensure the highest organizational quality of the event participation is limited in number, and only by pre-registration, or while anticipated availability; later will be accepted only subject to availability at the property in which is based the event.

Below is a detailed road book of the sign up process:

Stage 1: fill in the participation request form;

Stage 2: verified the correctness of all documentation, We will communicate the bank details to pay the relative fees;

Stage 3: upon receipt of the credit you will receive a confirmation email, But if you have any doubt do not scruple to contact us!!

Confirmation of pre-registration sarà richiesto il pagamento di una quota pari a Euro 160 within the 10/06/2024 (salvo esaurimento posti disponibili) to secure the services of accommodation and meals (2 overnight stays in a double room, 2 breakfasts, the Friday night dinner) structure in which is based the event,

To complete your registration si verserà all’arrivo la quota di partecipazione pari a Euro 160, that includes:
1. all material of the event (stickers, gadgets, informative material, etc.)
2. la apericena del sabato sera
3. the tastings and all entertainment activities both at the base of the event that Saturday and Sunday along the way,
4. a contribution to general expenses of organization.

Participation in the event is reserved to associated with Tamoè "ASD" or other companies of the circuit "ENDAS", and implies the full acceptance of its rules. For those who are not already associated, the annual membership fee to Tamoè ASD -organizer of the event-, affiliated to the national circuit ENDAS, is equal to Euro 10,00.

The reservation fee, in case of non-participation, is non-refundable, but is transferable to other participants not registered yet, by communication within hours 12,00 by Wednesday, 12 June.

LAMPSSSsssssssssss from everyone!

Explorer Run – 7 April 2024

Welcome to “Explorer Run”, An initiative curated by “Heroic in motion” and the dealership “Triumph – Peragnoli” of Siena for the day of Sunday 7 April 2024, as an opportunity for a first taste of the guide “off-asphalt”, On the white roads of Siena, The most beautiful and easiest in the world! The aim is to introduce you to the “Fundamental” of off-road driving, Hoping you'll fall hopelessly in love with it :-).

Therefore, this initiative is reserved for all types of all-terrain motorcycles, but without a passenger.

The program is structured as follows:

from 10,00 reception and registration at the headquarters of “Triumph – Peragnoli” of Siena, in Località San Martino – Via Cassia Nord 112 Monteriggioni

hours 10,30 about departure,

hours 13,00 Stop for a light and tasty lunch

hours 17,00 About end of the tour

The route will be approximately 120 km, of which more than half on natural roads; The Participation is limited in number, only by pre-registration through This module; A contribution of Euro is required. 50,00 per participant including registration to “Tamoè ASD/ENDAS”, Welcome Kit, Lunch and coordination along the way, and implies the acceptance of the relevant Regulations.

Info: 393.46.90.651,





Heroics in Verona – MBE 2024

Dear Heroic Friends,
Let's celebrate this 2024 Brand new with a flurry of gorgeous appointments!

Registration is now open for all events in the first half of the year, but to greet us in person and talk about all the adventures that await us on the most beautiful roads in the world, I invite you to meet us Since Friday 19 to Sunday 21 January at MBE at the Verona Fair, at the Pavilion 7 Travel Area at the spaces of the “Top Bikers Team”, Under this mega mural that just seeing it makes you want to leave with no return!

BEST WISHES to you and your heroic DRD4-7R gene …

Dear Heroic Friends,

Also this year it went! We can tell each other: In a world that is increasingly a cage of madmen, We managed to carve out some beautiful moments of serene happiness, thanks also to our DRD4-7R gene , Known as “Wanderlust gene” or more prosaically “Travel Gene“: It has been renamed because of its relationship with the degree of curiosity and restlessness typical of people who possess it, and that only through the extraordinary experiences of the journey are they able to satisfy! 😁

My personal DRD4-7R gene will take me on a wandering around Morocco in the coming weeks, returning just in time for the MBE at the Verona Fair from 19 at 21 January, where I will be waiting for you to greet you in person and launch the appointments together for the first half of the year. 2024:

Winter Heroes in Siena from 26 at 28 January – LATEST POSTS!
FURBINENtreffen in Sorrento from 8 to 10 March, bookings from New Year's Eve!
Romagna Trophy in Sant'Agata Feltria from 22 at 24 March,
SUPERBUS in Tuscia from 10 at 12 April,
Dust&Gloria in Gaiole from 17 at 19 may,

Registration for all events will open from mid-January, Apart from the FURBINENtreffen which, as per tradition, will open at the stroke of New Year's Eve – We are working on a truly fireworks edition!! 😋

I greet you by reminding you that there is a new, very practical way to stay up to date with every news of the Eroici in Moto, the WhatsApp channel to which you can subscribe by clicking here (I promise I'll use it very graciously 😉)

See you soon on all the most beautiful roads in the world, Andrea

WhatsApp channel of the Eroici in Moto

Caution #EroiciinMoto!
You can finally sign up for the dedicated to our adventures on (and OFF) The Road – I promise a few messages, Targeted and super-sexy!!
How-to? It's that easy! Click on the link below!

4000 weekend

Time is the most precious asset we have, although it is often the last one we take care of.

The average lifespan of a person can be roughly quantified in 4000 weeks, that -to us who like free time- we can translate to 4000 weekends; the mission of the "Heroics in Motion" is to make available to you someone rich in conviviality, Good food and fun in the saddle and not only!
Putting aside false modesty and hypocrisy, I feel that even in the 2023 We have managed to achieve this important goal: In the weekend just passed we enjoyed a very successful edition of "Gioiosa et Amorosa”, Last official appointment of the season, the 20/22 October with "i RIBOLLITI" sperimenteremo qualche nuova idea che ci frulla sotto il casco (a breve il programma di dettaglio – lo so lo so che sono terribilmente in ritardo!), e già stiamo alacremente lavorando ai programmi del 2024, che vi presenteremo come di consueto in tempo per scriverli nella vostra letterina di fine anno 🙂

A tutti voi un GRANDE ABBRACCIO, con l’augurio che riusciate sempre a ritagliarvi scampoli di tempo per ciò che sentite dare senso e gioia alle vostre vite!

TIN BOTA, It starts!

Hero is every person really intent
to make this world
A better place for everyone


Dear Heroic Friends,

It was harder than expected: Many roads still closed, Many, too many zones, The hardest hit, still inaccessible, And then the lump that rises to the throat to see such destruction, to think of the energies and sacrifices of entire lives wiped out, and how long and sweat it will take to restore them decently …

But at the same time the conviction of the usefulness of initiatives like ours is being strengthened, for at least two main reasons:

  1. The Romagnolo is an incurably social being: even on the most terrible days, He shoveled side by side all day, but then in the evening all together barbecues music and dancing in the middle of the street!
  2. The extent of the cataclysm, the magnitude of the moral and material damage produced, they are unspeakable entities: to get an idea, worth more than a few hours spent in person here than ten reports; And those of the care of the territory and the dangers of intensive exploitation of nature are issues that affect us all …

That said,, We come to the program of our weekend “TIN BOTA – Heroic for Romagna”:

The reference base will be “Bastarda Shop“, in Viale Bologna 277 in Forlì; appointment here both Saturday and Sunday

from 9,00 at 10,00 meeting for the morning tour, dedicated to the Apennines (see below), then return for lunch;

from 14,00 at 15,00 for the afternoon tour, dedicated to the “Low” (see below), then return for aperitif or dinner;

PARTICIPATION AND’ FREE and self-organized; On the routes we accompany you, Everyone takes part in the tours exclusively under their own responsibility; No GPX because they are susceptible to changes during construction, depending on the circumstances.

Flag of the initiative is a dedicated t-shirt, limited edition, that will be yours with a free offer; all proceeds of this initiative - appropriately reported at the end of the event- will go to the Summer Camps of the areas affected by the flood.

Below is the indicative track of the routes:

the morning dedicated to the Apennines, passing by Faenza with its jewel of the historic center largely finished under several meters of water and mud (They're still emptying houses, so we will pass quickly so as not to disturb); from here we will follow the provincial road that goes up the valley of the Marzeno stream towards Modigliana and Tredozio, with many alternating one-way streets caused by landslides and the often dirty road surface. Then we will climb Monte Busca and glide over the Montone valley, che è quello che ha travolto Forlì 🙁

il pomeriggio dedicato alla “Low”, come noi chiamiamo la enorme pianura che si estende a sud della Via Emilia fino al Po; è una pianura alluvionale, ricavata da recenti bonifiche, quindi abituata a un rapporto delicato con l’acqua, praticamente un catino infossato sotto il livello del mare e stretto fra le montagne dell’Appennino e il Mare Adriatico, che a ogni pisciatina rischia di andare sottone percorreremo le strade dritte come fusi che solcano smisurate campagne e quelle arzigogolate che ricamano i fossi e gli argini, e capiremo la natura di questi luoghi, dove arrivando a lambire la povera Conselice, dove la melma si è ritirata solo da pochi giorni, e attraversando Sant’Agata sul Santerno – A town entirely swept away by the fury of the river …

mud&Gloria – Heroic for Romagna!

EICMA 2022 in 4 Rows

GRAZIE agli Eroici che sono passati a salutarmiogni occasione è preziosa per incontrarsi di persona, e ho potuto far loro provare la moto più ganza del Salone! 🙂

Per chi ha saltato l’appuntamento, gli faccio un bignamino in 4 righe secche:

1) SORPRESA: la partecipazione del pubblico, non si vedeva una folla così oceanica da mille mila annicompresi un gran numero di giovani! Se la quantità conta qualcosa, un gran bel segnale per la salute del comparto!

2) DELUSIONE: le aziendestoricheo se ne sono state direttamente a casa, oppure hanno fatto presenza senza portare alcuna novità degna di nota (almeno nel settore turistico) – eccezione la “Moto Guzzi”, che con la V100 lancia la sfida di un motore completamente nuovoIN BOCCA AL LUPO!

3) EXPLOIT: tutta l’innovazione tecnica, di stile, di gamma, has been the prerogative of oriental producers, protagonists with a large number of models and proposals, with an impressive growing average build quality!

4) REMATCH: after that for twenty years all the Storytelling has been monopolized by the “Flagships”, in a very questionable competition to the sound of kilos, CV and euro in thousands, Now the liveliest segment is again dominated by “Smart Motorcycles”, medium displacements suitable for any type of use and with purchase and maintenance costs much more within the reach of normal humans!

WHAT ABOUT YOU, What is your opinion?!

PS: from Hondist I can not avoid commenting on the new “Transalp”, hot topic: view in pictures made me faint from how bland it seemed!, from life a bit’ more digestible, We will see on the road how it goes and how much it costs … of course from a giant like Honda, in exhuming a model that has made the history of motorcycling, I expected a much greater commitment on the personality of the bike!

Dust&Gloria 2022: NEWS!!