Entries by the heroic

Lucky 2021!

le parole dell’anno trascorso appartengono al linguaggio dell’anno trascorso e le parole dell’anno a venire attendono un’altra voce.” T. And. Eliot Care amiche, dear heroic friends on motorcycles, I am not ashamed to confess to you that you arrive devoid of any vital energy to this end 2020; never would I have imagined that our meetings on the road, the […]

Farewell balordo 2020, Welcome 2021! 🙏

Dear friends, dear heroic friends on motorcycles, let us also bid farewell to a year more balordo than ever before – and let us begin to think positively about the 2021! The after-effects of the pandemic will almost certainly prevent us from carrying out our traditional winter events, dalla “Winter Heroes” al “FURBINENtreffen”, because seriousness and serenity are our priorities. Instead, […]

Heroic-Mind, BEYOND the 2020 🙏

Dear friends, dear heroic friends on motorcycles, it really takes a Heroic-Mind to look beyond the anxieties of these days and imagine a future beyond this terrible pandemic. But we travelers are used to facing the unexpected with our heads held high, even serious, and we know that then the road is bound to resume, for […]

Dust&Gloria 2020: the decalogue of the perfect Heroic

Heroic Car, to you 10 golden rules for impeccable participation in “Dust&Gloria” 2020: 1) Heroic 10 praise: stampare-leggere-compilare-portare con sè i materiali che riceverete con la NewsLetter di lunedì 31 August; 2) Heroic Fight-Club: never forget rule No.1; 3) Heroic in SECURITY: entro gli spazi dell’evento applica sempre il protocollo di […]

Dust Security Plan&Gloria 2020

Integrating safety with fun has always been our top priority; up to this “Crazy” 2020 mainly referred to cautions on the road, now we've added other equally crucial ones when we get off the saddle. Since the lock-down weeks, abbiamo lavorato di concerto con le competenti Autorità per individuare […]

The Night of St. Lawrence 2020 – in Chianti in Moto!

NO DORMA! Andrea (of the heroic in motion), Claudius (by Chianti LIve) and Gianni (di GSSS Curve&Hairpins – Motorcycling School) invite you to travel for one night -- and not any, but the magical one of San Lorenzo!- along the most beautiful streets of Chianti!! A declaration of love for this region, una emozione indimenticabile che […]

Tell us about your Heroic!

After the tremendous interest you have shown at the presentation of the project “Eroica On Life“, we gassed even more and --waiting to meet virtually on the path of “Dust&Gloria“- we launch this contest that you are all warmly invited to participate in: it's as nice and as easy as drinking a glass of good Chianti; seguite le indicazioni del […]

Ready to (Re)Leave?!

"In hard times we must have hard dreams, real dreams, those who, if we're going to get busy, si avvereranno” Car* Eroici in Moto, who could have imagined that this "Dust&Gloria " 2020 was destined to become an extra-ordinary edition, da veri #SUPERHEROES?! And here we are, to go through the most terrible storm of our time; e proprio nel cuore più […]

Eroica On Life

Eroica On Life Avete visto il concorso “Tell us about your Heroic“? And’ simple and fun, and you can win a cool jersey! THANK YOU from the heart to the thousand Heroics in Motorcycles who participated last night (Monday, 4 may) at the FB live presentation of our new project “Eroica On Life” … e in particolare […]

[NEWS] 🔴 DIVERTIMENTO and SECURITY at the time of The CoronaVirus

“When the storm is over, you probably won't even know how you got through it and came out alive.. But on one point there's no doubt. And it's that you, out of that wind, you won't be the same one who entered it.” Haruki Murakami Car* Eroici in Moto, il nostro Paese versa nella sua più […]