The Night of St. Lawrence 2020 – in Chianti in Moto!

Andrea (Of Heroic in motion), Claudius (by Chianti LIve) and Gianni (by GSSS Curve&Hairpins – Motorcycling School) invite you to travel for one night -- and not any, but the magical one of San Lorenzo!- along the most beautiful streets of Chianti!!
A declaration of love for this region, an unforgettable emotion that we gladly share with all our friends and friends at 2 wheels.
10 August
Hours 20,00: hangout in Radda in Chianti,
Hours 20,30: Start of the Tours:
- On/OFF Cycling Tour
- Road Tour
- Specialist Tour only OFF
Hours 24,00 Meeting at "THE CAPANNO" of Poggio San Polo,
Participants with tents will be able to stay overnight in the olive grove
11 August
Hours 08,30: FARMER'S BREAKFAST (Panzanella, Meats, Cheese, vegetables from the garden and wine)
Price : 65 Per person – including routes, midnight dinner, breakfast and use of the tented shed structure (there's a bathroom and even a shower)
Reservations: by mail to <>, specifying in causal “St. Lawrence Night 2020” (number closed to 50 participants)
Info: Claudius 335.37.59. 25, Andrea 393.36.90.651, John 335.65.57.705
For those wishing to book a Hotel or Hotel can call Chianti Live (Claudius 335 375925)
For those who want we can also organize a Tour in the area starting friday 7 August.