“Having fun is serious business”

The best gift found under the tree this Christmas 2018 is without a doubt a booklet entitled fulminant-“Having fun is serious business”- inevitable in the library of any motoviaggiatore, a genuine Ode to his passion. Each episode, each page, each line will delight you, but in particular I draw your attention to the pages 84 and 85, where the heroic protagonists tell us about their experience on the most beloved of our routes, to “Dust&Gloria – on the roads of the heroic in motion“:

” … the famous Tour of the heroic, the ride on dirt roads intended to vintage bicycles. The tour is open all year round and has become a must for motorcycle riders. It's a ride that Board, easy and spectacular. It's a long walk through amazing landscapes. We lived so, with quiet pace and curious eyes … The revolution of the Heroic lends itself to epics, Despite being a very simple path. But it is a very rich from a sensory point of view. There are real photographs that will open your eyes at every turn, There are the scents and smells of the countryside, ranging from wet grass-scented flower fertilizer. There is silence, broken only by the sound of our rhythmic and familiar boxer engine motorcycles and there is the powder that sticks on me, in your face, the clothes and lungs. It's a total revolution, of those that can not be done absentmindedly, Why don't we'd enjoy. Teaches a motorcycling fact of discovery, of pleasure and slowness. Who says motorcycles are having fun just going strong, that for him the bike is just never made the heroic speed …”

Here's, I can't convey better the mix of emotions that I invite you to share in May to Gaiole, except that here one is missing nothing short of crucial for our recipe of happiness on two wheels, namely that of collective dimension, convivial, to be among hundreds of new and old friends to play the same magical music; We hope that you can enjoy a rare while Nicholò sooner or later weekend to come and share it with us!

If you switch from Ravenna I strongly suggest to pick up your copy directly from the author's hands and make it so personal knowledge-seems like the Michelin Guide, “worth the trip”-; otherwise you can procure at Amazon.