Heroic in motion at EICMA!

Dear, Dear Heroic in motion,

After a year really very rich, who has given us thousands of opportunities to meet Italy's most beautiful white roads and the world, back our usual date of early winter at the Milan fair, to prepare together the most beautiful revolutions of 2017, from “Dust&Gloria” at “BalkansTT” at “Mongolia Motorbike Marathon” just to mention the most greedy!

I'll be waiting for the duration of the show, then the opening of Tuesday 8 Sunday closed 13 November, at the space of our Media-Partner “Motorcycle touring“, Pavilion 10 Stand I72.

If you do not see me immediately-wow!- I go to pee, or enjoying a little’ of the countless motorcycle goodies when we will be immersed! Take a little walk and then go back (I recommend!) or give me a ring at the usual number (393.46.90.651) What are we doing a walking together between the stands!

Keep up to date through l’event on Facebook, There will also be succulent surprises – See you soon! Andrea