The heroic motorbike or aunt Peppina? The choice is yours!!

The logarithm of Facebook-some kind of electronic control unit that decides which posts show you and what not- in its most recent version tends to favor relations with your relatives and friends rather than the pages related to your hobbies; This is the reason why-you should have noticed- you happen to cross paths more often your social kitties aunt Peppina rather than the beautiful bike that you are signing up to “Dust&Gloria” or the breathtaking views of the BalkansTT or of the Mongolia Motorbike Marathon

NO BIGGIE, There is a solution!

Just go to the FB page of the heroic in motion, Open the menu at the top right under the cover (step 1) and then select the option “Page Followed” and “View first” (step 2); This is done in a nanosecond, pace of aunt Peppina, i suoi micetti tornerete a vederli dal vivo il giorno degli auguri di Natale, mentre gli Eroici in Moto torneranno a farvi compagnia quotidianamente! 🙂

Comunque un altro metodo a prova di logaritmo per restare sempre aggiornati è iscriversi alla News-Letter: basta inviare una mail di richiesta in tal senso a <info@eroiciinmoto.i>

See you soon, sia virtualmente che su qualche bella strada bianca! 🙂

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